Sunday, October 20, 2013

Boy, 17, pawned $100,000 of family jewelry to pay blackmailers who hacked into his computer and took an embarrassing video that they threatened to send to his family

A 17-year-old high school student in Detroit, Michigan chose to sell off a small fortune in jewelry that belonged to his parents for only a fraction of its true worth after being blackmailed. Hector Hernandez says that he took the goods and pawned them for quick cash because anonymous hackers said that they were able to remotely enable the webcam on his computer and that they secretly filmed him embarrassing himself. When they threatened to share the video with his friends and even post it on his school's website, he caved to their demands to send them money to the Philippines. Even after paying the hackers in three installments, he continues to receives additional threats and demands from them.
Hernandez said he received only $1,500 from the gold-for-cash shop for the jewelry which was owned by his parents, although it was worth approximately $100,000.culled from daily mail.

so the pawn shop engaged in multiple transactions with some that is under aged , never asked for ID, the had no business doing business with him in the first place.
this teens should really stop giving into hackers demands, it might be embarrassing if the video spreads, always best to open up to an adult when things like this many murder cases like this from so called hackers asking teenage boys or girls to meet them up or else the reveal their so called shameful act.

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