Monday, October 28, 2013

'Dude dont strike me', begged Brad Pitt to Mike Tyson.

Ok so i could not help but put that as my heading because for some reason when i read that paragraph, it made me really laugh hard.

Mike Tyson in his book describes how one day he encountered pre-famed Brad Pitt at Givens house'. and Pitt said;
Dude, don't strike me ,'don't  strike me.'
'You had to see the look on his face,'Tyson writes .'He looked like he was ready to receive his last rites.
He also looked stoned out of his gourd.'

Former heavyweight boxing champion, also gave his own side of his story about his tumultuous relationship with former wife actress Robin Givens.
Despite having dated some of the worlds most beautiful women, including Naomi Campbell, Tyson had chronically low self esteem.
He writes, 'My social skills consisted of putting a guy in a coma, 'So maybe robin was just what the doctor ordered.' Givens, who was starring on ABC sitcom 'head of the Class', was well-spoken, educated and beautiful.
Just 11 months after their first date, to which Givens, then 24, had announced that she was pregnant.
He writes that Givens mother Ruth, who he referred to as 'Ruthless,'immediately set about finding the pair a suitable mansion to settle into, at Tyson's expense.
During a close friend's funeral, Tyson received a phone call from his accountant, who told him Givens and her mother were in his office, demanding that he release $5 million so they could purchase a new jersey estate. against his accountant's advice, he gave the money, and another $10 million soon after, which he placed into a separate account for Given and her mother.

tyson writes, that Givens, whose slender frame hadn't grown in the months since becoming pregnant, told Tyson that she had miscarried their baby.'she was supposedly three months pregnant when we got married in January 7,1988.
He writes,'Now it was june and she had not gained a pound, so the next thing she was in bed and claimed she had miscarried our baby.'
That same year Tyson and Givens gave an interview to Barbara Walters, Tyson says the interview was originally meant to be a profile on him, but givens had pulled Walters and told her 'that she still didn't have the truth,'
Walters then asked givens to join her husband for the interview. It would go down in history as one of the most uncomfortable celebrity interviews of all time.
Givens began by listing tyson's qualities, but quickly moved on to his deficits.
He had an 'extremely volatile temper,' Givens told walters as Tyson looks down, somewhere beyond the camera, his eyes wide with disbelief.
'He's got a side to him that's scary,'she went on. 'Michael is intimidating , to say the least. i think there's a time when he cannot control his temper.  And that's frightening to me. To my  mother. To anyone around.'

'Does he ht you? Walters asked, neither woman looking at nor speaking to Tyson who continued to 
stare at the floor.'He shakes, he pushes, he swings,'responded Givens
'Just recently i have become afraid. I mean very, very much afraid.'Givens filed for divorce soon after the interview but mike says they continue to see each other. Tyson and Given divorce were finalized and she received a settlement of $10million. Following the divorce, Givens received bad press and one article described her as the 'most hated woman in america.'

Very interesting story.

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